Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire

Different from Miss Rosa I admiret to some persons, like my fathers, family and nobility Professionals of different area from consciousness. In this opportunity I'll talk about a ex-teacher in our faculty, the teacher Hernan Vergara Mardones.

He was a teacher very important in our faculty, especially in the carrer of Chemestry and Pharmacy, becuase thanks to him we have course like "Quimico farmaceutico y su acción" or " El medicamento y su evolución" among other.

He studied Chemestry and Pharmacy in our faculty, he graduated with the best grade in his generatión. he started like teacher of physics but along years he is worry about the late introduction to the pharmacy in the carrer, because in the past the students haved course of pharmacy in the 6° semester, for that he postulare and create the course of "Farmacia social", for bring the student to the pharmacy in the 1° semester of the carrer. Also he has published books on pharmacy like "Caminos y horizontes farmaceuticos" or " Farmacos, salud y vida". 

I admiert to him because is a person passionate to my carrer and solidary for the students, also he has been one of the main in include to pharmacist to the public healt.  




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